A Poem by Dean
It is right to find ourselvesin wonderment before the gloriesof the earth, before every valleyof the sky disclosing lush rewardto jaded sight; it is s..
A Poem by Dean
It gave more mileage than it promised with that first delight; I could not let it go, for there implicit in its first appearance was a cautious pathwa..
A Poem by Dean
It is a nagging subject,this quest within the mindto reach beyond the self tothat great universal churningof the truth-- unfolding rays of lightwe may..
A Poem by Dean
It was just a few millennia agowe stepped past the fire in front of the caveand set upon the building of a tongue--noun to verb to adjective, each an ..
A Poem by Dean
We knew it was coming, didn't we--and thought it was similar to dying,still think so, but didn't realizeit was so stretched out.That dying seems to be..
A Poem by Dean
I am History!Moulded of the Earth and the stars,of the temporal silence of a tear, as Jesus of Narareth, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, or a dus..
A Poem by Dean
After a momentwhen something becomeswhat it has always beenand creation comes flying inas natural as breath--now that shakes the earthfor me!It takes ..
A Poem by Dean
There is.........somethingunrelated to time or space. It has no color, weight orform--nothing of substanceand yet always problematic. Neither here nor..
A Poem by Dean
We are given in totality,surfing the waves in merrimentsimply planning for more.Up and over the top we goand it is then the vortices appear.If we coul..
A Poem by Dean
If there were a tomb to hold my thoughts alonewhere only those who seek it, meditate,guffaws would echo on the heavenly green;ideas will not live beyo..