A Poem by Dean
There are the walls of flesh that hold us fastupon this devil's island of an earth,deceptive paradise of blue and greenthat calls on birth to bond us,..
A Poem by Dean
I like my God much better than the onewho made his home up in the stratosphereand favored us with visits now and then,harrumphing down below about the..
A Poem by Dean
Ignition...onand in perhaps an hour, it was over.One slash of time made ridiculeof caution, for the silence that he chosewas not enough; he hated it,c..
A Poem by Dean
Too much the rapture of an earthbound springprevails, surpassing lovers' agony,too many willows full of glory streamlike fountains there along the pat..
A Poem by Dean
It is a journeywhen I meditate,and at its peak I findthat I may reach into perfectionthough I may not return with it.nor in my altered consciousnessam..
A Poem by Dean
I wasn't there to hear the choirthough once I sang with them,but I still think of Hollidayat closing--cadence coming upand his conducting stern, impas..
A Poem by Dean
How like a child to know that being freeto taste the wind, is the unbidden source of art, of what life means, that joy is there.How fair, a thousand w..
A Poem by Dean
To the unseen and unknown presence that I madeI pour out all the doubt, the hopeless pemutationsof my thought, the dark intangibles, ideas strong enou..
A Poem by Dean
Solitary Thoughts in my Room