A Poem by Dean
Not mother.No, Today she's freeof that old body that a centuryhad known. and yesterdayjust gave her second, spirit wind,but not for play. I know she h..
A Poem by Dean
Do you want to know what I search for?Totality, nothing more.And would a man content himself with lesshe would embrace a cinder for a sunand turn his ..
A Poem by Dean
Do not think me cold of heartif I decline to kneel before your God.For I may pass within my mind,into another roomand find its walls have given wayto ..
A Poem by Dean
Taking stock in my 70's, I think,Foo, I'm the same fellowthat I was at twenty.,with a bit less energy,somewhat more certain either wayabout my shrinki..
A Poem by Dean
(warning: explicit adult content)My thoughts fly back to you,and to the facets of your being,beauty, giving, singing, creatingof safari to adventure, ..
A Poem by Dean
Each yearmy world is muffledjust a little more. I watchthe ones I love, whose piquegrows more transparentwhen I ask them to repeat.I see them drifting..
A Poem by Dean
(Twelve years ago my youngest son, drove his vanto a sheltered area off a lesser-traveled road,connected a hose to his exhaust wrote a longand loving ..
A Poem by Dean
A Poem by Dean
I sense him watching with amusementat my foolishness,though I have need of himelse I would run amok.Yet sometimes I resent him for his caution.Let him..
A Poem by Dean
Inside the chamber in the earththe darkness teaches,never ceases, though this whirling ballsets forth its glory in a thousand frames.Pain is the carro..