A Poem by Dean
Awareness is some kind of god,self-creating, just as daylight manifestsfrom nothing but the darkest hour.Once again pure infancy, the heightof weaknes..
A Poem by Dean
Not a torch, a candlemarks the gate to life,in peril for its faithfulnessand unafraid to die.And were its flame extinguishedas a witness to devotion,a..
A Poem by Dean
The syllabus was likely to arousevain sentiments of a nobilityhe never felt before.Eight o'clock on Monday morning,books and pencils not yet burdensom..
A Poem by Dean
The light's rememberingis just reflection of its boistrous birth--each pastel plain laid down recalls an echo moment and a liquid sunat play, for with..
A Poem by Dean
There is a river flowing somewhereunderneath the mind.I came across it just the other day,but did not see the source,and happily for me,I could not wa..
A Poem by Dean
Eight billion miles away,the asteroid grows colderas the one inhabitantwho has no god, falls to his kneesand blows upon the spark of lighthe sees from..
A Poem by Dean
The flight is past, the crane is goneand there above the silt and clay,the scattered reeds and sticks of sheltered birth, the precipice and promise of..
A Poem by Dean
A man stands on a hilltop, weeping.Come and see.For he has watched a nation unaware, chipped away to just this memory.We'd found that we could meet a ..
A Poem by Dean
(severe criticism is invited, welcomed, and urged)He was supposed to be there stillwhen I returned in forty years.But a boy's home townis metamorph an..
A Poem by Dean
For a fallen man there camea most engaging metaphor;the light persists while consciousness endures,streams out across the empty spacesparticle and wav..