A Poem by Dean
On plateau, the view is everywhere,and makes the body stretch to meet it.Something calls, beyond the railroadfar away, beyond the storm clouds over th..
A Poem by Dean
A dark. unfathomed emptiness swirls and coalesces on the stage of my desire,demanding nothing sired of needor advocate, and of itself complete.Yet I m..
A Poem by Dean
Asleep, recalling yet againa moment on the path that we call life,and quickly gone"rejection's painnow too acute to cherish,still those s..
A Poem by Dean
I found that I was lost the other dayand didn't mind at all, you see, for Iwas climbing off old memories and tooka backward look to keep a steady path..
A Poem by Dean
The sound alonedismisses sight and senseand seals romancebeneath my lips,fair bursting from my heart.Transcending even consciousness,it dares evokeby ..
A Poem by Dean
Here we meet, a companyplucked randomlyfrom every shore to dine,to gather from the mind's full store,enriched, aware of all the particles, of spatial ..
A Poem by Dean
Pitiful little Japanese girl.Cancer victim after HIroshima.Some would call her naive.She died while making paper cranesto show her faith in life.Short..
A Poem by Dean
Might it be touchable?This fancied clay between my handsthat I would twist and bendand in a sometime moment, manifest desire?If, indeed its authentici..
A Poem by Dean
I do get lost most easily, agreeably, I think.To sit alonein places most unspiritual,becomes my boarding pass.Goodbye.There are no walls"..
A Poem by Dean
Select your heroes carefully, she said.Within her studio was Boulanger, bookstalls by the Seine, and Canterbury where her art took on the patina of ev..