A Poem by Dean
Merci, M'sieur Rodin!for you extruded from a faceless blobthe naked sinews of a manwho in his abject solitudeembraced a galaxy of mindthat sings creat..
A Poem by Dean
Unlearned, unfathomed, lurking in recesses of the mind,they suddenly emerge... understandings that would not appearin any yesterday, yet here they are..
A Poem by Dean
(This is not my birthday...just a "what if"theme)There are a thousand births like minein that cluster of the noospherethe rolling earth had left behin..
A Poem by Dean
It is no ordinary stop that captivates,no lush green paradiseas if to flush the ugliness of war. There is instead, that rush of purity that sweeps acr..
A Poem by Dean
A mind is something not contentwith stimulus-response,but must go flying offinto the never landsto see if they are there...and when reporting back,at ..
A Poem by Dean
Jody was nine, her namesake calfbut newly-born, soon shornof his vitality, to be a steerand hers alone, for just a year;it was for both of them to gro..
A Poem by Dean
The little man stepped just beyondtranscendence from his little worldand found divinity outside. The huge surprisewas that he found no throne, no kind..
A Poem by Dean
Beyond the plain, beyond the distant hillsthe coast is calling, even in its silent diffidenceproclaiming richness to horizon's crust,that here is wher..
A Poem by Dean
The thrust of mind on every planerelflects adversity...and life idealizedis every life that cannot ever be.Profound, the misanthrope that operatesbehi..
A Poem by Dean
It was as if a friend I never knewcame in to speak of some old honorleft behind while in the rush to war...as if there were a bondbetween the tides of..