A Stage Play by Dean
Though mine among the millions,still I do not own this child.The core of stone or mistreleased this nightto stand along the rampartslong ago upraised ..
A Poem by Dean
It is enoughto crawl inside my fuzzy faithand sleep upon my soporific pillow,clutching to my breastmy favorite God(you know the one)who keeps the feti..
A Poem by Dean
Atypically, she was aloneand silent,wig askew,all the muzak shut awaybehind her half-closed door.I knew that she had also drawnthe blinds within her m..
A Poem by Dean
Angels arethose filmy thingswith stereotypical wingson which we throw our fancies,quite expecting they will catch them in the air.I think I met one, o..
A Poem by Dean
I see that you have locked me outand in your zeal for cleanlinesshave righteously set out to stealmy books, my makeshift bed, my tent,my waiting break..
A Poem by Dean
I havn't been a very good listener.Sporadically, I whirl at it,plucking thoughts out of context,chiding myself, thenplunging on, creating with the hop..
A Poem by Dean
They are nothingif not taciturn--these sprit travelers.They do not shock, or ridicule,for they are single-minded in their questfor timeless realms whe..
A Poem by Dean
I havn't seen my childhood crushfor sixty years, and memory is faithless,for I loved her at the age of eight,and lost her at sixteen; those two events..
A Poem by Dean
There was a dome spread overheadin that first lifetime, holding backthe waters and the gods;perhaps there was a place beneath itfor lesser thoughts th..
A Poem by Dean
Across the universe a quantum flashed "Hello" to resonate a billion, no a trillion miles behind the planeon which I stood. I missed it, but the oneapa..