Dean : Writing

      On Juliet's Watch

On Juliet's Watch

A Poem by Dean

Were there of night sufficiency to hold its chambers shielded from all predators of mind that thrust into those walls (as she will thrust into her own..
       An Awakening

An Awakening

A Poem by Dean

A sliver of life is all it wasSomeone was crying,caught me there within the moment,made me wish profoundlythat it were not Iwho needed to be strong.It..
         Visible and Invisible

Visible and Invisible

A Poem by Dean

The first forgotten(non erit finis)was the I,(non est)and who would not,(in phasmatis reverentia)for my(Et credo)expanded world(universitas)climbed in..
       This too Shall Pass

This too Shall Pass

A Poem by Dean

There is an unseen magnet in the lure of solitude. I seek it hungrily.In it, I draw down silence asa cover, insulating truth, but Ideny the need for j..
        The Ghost of Schrodinger's Cat

The Ghost of Schrodinger's Cat

A Poem by Dean

(If you can't make sense of this, Google"Schrodinger's Cat." Then I think you will)What is this thing that I may do,that at this moment is no thing at..
       History's Elegy--a paeon to monism

History's Elegy--a paeon to monism

A Poem by Dean

Slipping through the fingers of my mind,all those vague perceptions of the "I" inside this bodywill provide a strange parade behind the mirror of my l..
        Reflections on Spirit Reality

Reflections on Spirit Reality

A Poem by Dean

If life is just what it appearsand that which we may test,then we are just the lonely ones--looking out between the barsof bones, and dressedimprudent..
       China God

China God

A Poem by Dean

Homo Erectus, from the moment that he looked into the dome aboveand knew he could not stand to be alone,raised up "El" in his own image,let him step b..
      The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

A Poem by Dean

My thoughts reflectupon the hour glass,and knowing with the bottom mostly fulland darkness closer by,the thing I was supposed to dois undefined, retre..


A Poem by Dean

Paradox is singingsometimes, when you chooseto be alone.If silence is ineffable, there is contained within itsadness, too...never understood,but nouri..

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