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Dean : Writing

           Spirit Song

Spirit Song

A Poem by Dean

It is beyond closed eyes I seean alien to me, a fellow consciousnesswho trembles in his heart, a partner of my soul I never knew,whose constancy is ce..
          Of Being

Of Being

A Poem by Dean

A world must have its moment even asthe river and the lava flow.The blood, an echo from the seething womb of earth�"the wind, defying orig..


A Poem by Dean

Some timebefore the biped thoughtof history, he carved out imageof himself, and in the murky dawnof consciousness, began to look aroundto see just how..
        The Vanishing God

The Vanishing God

A Poem by Dean

Go home, old man, turn to your bedand draw the covers to your eyes;there is no papa in the skiesto hear your prayers,were you to dare to frame them.No..


A Poem by Dean

Look down to gaze upon the hours moving through the void of unconcern,forgetfulness on every sideand isolation dear because it is the only thingto cli..
         Creating God

Creating God

A Poem by Dean

He is worn downand quite threadbare. So let us sit together nowto form a new reality. It isn't hard.We do it every daywithout a conscious push,and the..
         Greater Things than These

Greater Things than These

A Poem by Dean

There was uncommon breathin that wild wind that swept across the sky...a surging barely understood, and thereto claim the reason we believe.Did you se..
           Still a Way to Pray

Still a Way to Pray

A Poem by Dean

It is for me to stand in where the shadows were,absorb the lightand fill my heartwith those vignettes of knowing,skittering before my inner..
     Shadow Grace

Shadow Grace

A Poem by Dean

How is itthat I knowthat not to know at allis gift of the divine?How is thatno thing at allis all the riches of infinity?How is it thatno God, no frie..
        Practical Poetics

Practical Poetics

A Poem by Dean

One thing is sure;a poet's competence is best expressedby letting someone else inside his head.Once there, the realms of heaven and hellare opened up ..