A Poem by Dean
It is beyond closed eyes I seean alien to me, a fellow consciousnesswho trembles in his heart, a partner of my soul I never knew,whose constancy is ce..
A Poem by Dean
A world must have its moment even asthe river and the lava flow.The blood, an echo from the seething womb of earth"the wind, defying orig..
A Poem by Dean
Some timebefore the biped thoughtof history, he carved out imageof himself, and in the murky dawnof consciousness, began to look aroundto see just how..
A Poem by Dean
Go home, old man, turn to your bedand draw the covers to your eyes;there is no papa in the skiesto hear your prayers,were you to dare to frame them.No..
A Poem by Dean
Look down to gaze upon the hours moving through the void of unconcern,forgetfulness on every sideand isolation dear because it is the only thingto cli..
A Poem by Dean
He is worn downand quite threadbare. So let us sit together nowto form a new reality. It isn't hard.We do it every daywithout a conscious push,and the..
A Poem by Dean
There was uncommon breathin that wild wind that swept across the sky...a surging barely understood, and thereto claim the reason we believe.Did you se..
A Poem by Dean
It is for me to watch...to stand in where the shadows were,absorb the lightand fill my heartwith those vignettes of knowing,skittering before my inner..
A Poem by Dean
How is itthat I knowthat not to know at allis gift of the divine?How is thatno thing at allis all the riches of infinity?How is it thatno God, no frie..
A Poem by Dean
One thing is sure;a poet's competence is best expressedby letting someone else inside his head.Once there, the realms of heaven and hellare opened up ..