A Poem by Dean
The problem of the inclusive pronoun is still very much a problem for the writer, and needs an accepted solution. I tried for years with a suggested o..
A Poem by Dean
He doesn't hum like the others,just stays there at his post,watching his feeder, waiting for the chanceto swoop again upon anothernectar-thirsty bird ..
A Poem by Dean
It rages still, that great dichotomyamong the puzzled onesin search of one clear archetypethat marks reality; what is it...every thing at all,or nothi..
A Poem by Dean
Did you even note;an imposter is in our midst!And our beloved Tube is the originator.Faithless beast, merely nippingat our consciousness for many year..
A Poem by Dean
I thought to see some clearingboth in weather and my insightafter I rounded the crestand started down, could thenmake plans for books to buy,fill in b..
A Poem by Dean
It's passing strange;I never liked bees very much.--thought them ugly, mean and hazardous.But now they disappear, together with the crops dependenton ..
A Poem by Dean
It really is a sweet device,for we invoke it often as allyor enemy--grasping at strawsto place it in its proper pigeon-holeand thus to clarify intent...
A Poem by Dean
The stuff is pain-free,low cost,keeps tempers down,wins friends,makes wars obsolete,feels good, and combats aggressive behaviorsamong the children. In..
A Poem by Dean
Disappearing like the straggling starsof morning, all the discontent of winterfades before the multifarious datastreaming from the light-filled cupola..
A Poem by Dean
The old dichotomy emerges once again,although there is no certainty that it exists at all. For itthe world we know takes of its essenceall things spir..