SynHawk : Writing



A Story by SynHawk

Inspired by Van Helsing... about 5 years ago...
Rovva - an epic battle

Rovva - an epic battle

A Story by SynHawk

SynHawk's lady is taken from his home and he ventures after the monster responsible, to whatever end. Alright, mostly I was tired, bored and had ju..
Long Forgotten

Long Forgotten

A Story by SynHawk

Time passes, mountains move and people die. But for some, not even the power of time can heal a lonely heart. For Avia, time has only given her a chan..
Snow - A white Awakening

Snow - A white Awakening

A Story by SynHawk

Part two - from Christmas '08 for Snow, A Christmas idea
Snow - A christmas Idea

Snow - A christmas Idea

A Story by SynHawk

I wrote this back in Christmas.... 2007, for my now girlfriend and partner - It's not the most brilliant but I had alot of fun, and I have always love..
The SynHawk Chronicles - Savior Of Alowen

The SynHawk Chronicles - Savior Of Alowen

A Book by SynHawk

In a time when myths run wild, fantasy is lived - where good and evil are placed in the eternal struggle - One small town quietly goes upon it's own l..
Chapter One - Arrival

Chapter One - Arrival

A Chapter by SynHawk

Chapter One Arrival A soft breeze circles past a tall oak in the forest. Curling around a leaf and then plucking it suddenly f..
Chapter Two - Awakening

Chapter Two - Awakening

A Chapter by SynHawk

Chapter Two Awakening A loud thump woke SynHawk Tsavo with a start; His eyes opened and took notice of where he was. It was a ..
Chapter Three - Recollections

Chapter Three - Recollections

A Chapter by SynHawk

Chapter Three Recollections There was a soft ‘clink’ from Thanos’ glass as he slowly put it back on the hard..
Chapter Four - Teaching

Chapter Four - Teaching

A Chapter by SynHawk

Chapter Four Teaching “What?!” Avia's voice stung the air, she looked down at Erika in slight horror and then thei..

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