Sofie : Writing

And Such

And Such

A Poem by Sofie

Just what came to my mind tonight.


A Poem by Sofie

Comments are very much appreciated!


A Poem by Sofie

when little hands grasp dandelions and label "pretty yellow fluff" to gently feel the golden plush in olden years is this enough? but..


A Poem by Sofie

I google imaged beautiful I daresay not more than two moments ago The first to pop up- beautiful china with hills and foaming mist aglow The second ..
The Ballet Teacher Leaves the Room

The Ballet Teacher Leaves the Room

A Poem by Sofie

without the slightest word to tell us where to place our feet, we never knew we could fly in these leotards and heavens! our voices may escape ou..
Scared at Night

Scared at Night

A Poem by Sofie

I read a little, write a little As is recommended or told We musts stop from worry, start imaginating Or imagining, either However, worry is the m..
Window Blinds

Window Blinds

A Poem by Sofie

Wafting stagnantly slats turned down, make sure down, down so that view is improbable at least. For why should they mimic our curtains?
Real Stuff

Real Stuff

A Poem by Sofie

In any case, punctuation works. Dimensions don't always measure right but what does? And life in a mirror could suffice, the questions flipped.


A Poem by Sofie

After I read a poetry book, I became very inspired. However, I had so many lines from poems I had read stuck inside my mind that I was worried I would..