My small eyes, my deaf ears, try to comprehend a minute part of His story.But I am only a small portion, in this infinitesimal galaxy of His raging gl..
I am haunted by these things that consumed me once, not too long ago.Broken by imitations of joy, no not once only, twice three, four times before.Cyc..
I live for your love
You are my always and forever.
Through the Seasons of life, you are my Spring
Just a silly little rhyme to display my frustration with always being so emotional,
and wanting to share it with the world. Anyone else feel this wa..
do I feel more alone, than when in a crowded room. For there I am invisible,
with no one to care even to p..
The rain drips down on an autumn mellow-scape.
Leaves of gold tinged with death, but so beautiful in their final hour.
In their pa..
“Fragile like
piece by piece
shattering close.
The ground comforts me
picking up
Disparate thoughts segregate the mind
Ever worse the people who hold those thoughts
Why do we create lines and..