When someone asks me about miracles,it's when I heard herread poetry for the first time.Here, in this room,we're intimatelyacquainted.I intimately und..
[My next love will require]:Pockets full of red flags,to breathe without apology.War paint withthe nature of gentle hands.Master the art ofdrowning ou..
To sail in waters uncharted,we're all orphans.A sunken cheston the ocean floor.A flower deprived of sun.To be guided into armsthat feel like home.Dirt..
Scatterbrain.He wants to knowbeyond the basics.Sometimes questions swirlin my brain like a tornado.I know littlein my highs & lows.To not be caugh..
Head down in shame,she gave up the beer.Wishing upon a sorry star."May God help my soul."Deep within the core--yearning for another glass.She softly w..
Surf tickles my toeson a pristine, undisturbed beach.White sand beneath my feet.Uncovered a good luck nickelimagining the emotion involvedto let it go..
Your breath speaks to melike gentle wind across hot sands.The song of the bird.The hum of a bee.In a season like this,warm breath for my neck.It is al..
In the earliest hours of the morning,
cannot keep the ache silent.
It still feels the same
when it ends.
It exists in all the veins,
enough to ..
I am my own universemade up of unknowns.Always in a baggy sweater.Body always working to stay alive.I am a silent tornadolearning to bask in its imbal..
With glory eyes,your lips brush my skin;whispers so quiet.Half-awake aftera good night's sleep.That soft magicbeneath my tongue.I am sad a littlewitho..