Written at 1.30am with a racing mind.
A tribute to that friend that is there for you when you need them.
A Chapter by Susie
My mother once told me about the boyfriends she had before marrying Dad. She would have implied there were too many, though there were only a handful...
A Chapter by Susie
I was vaguely aware of the clear morning light blaring through the lace curtains and the gunk build-up between my eyelids. It felt like glue that hurt..
A Chapter by Susie
I lovedIlene. She was the most immaculate-looking horse I had ever set eyes on: A dapple grey with long, lean, but solid, veiny legs. She was as power..
A Chapter by Susie
My hands raised with scratches. But they were not quite bad enough to complain about, unfortunately.Year after year, whoever was home was roped into t..
A song about the flow of a relationship, and conflicting passions.
A Chapter by Susie
When I was twelve there was a girl who caught the same
school bus as me. She was everything I wasn’t’: tall with a worshipable concav..
The stage between leaving a domestic violence situation and setting up a new life in an entirely new town without the one you married for life.
A Chapter by Susie
I had only been needed at work for two hours this morning, so I arrived home at eight-thirty, stripped my smelly jeans, flopped onto my bed and was ca..