Judge thou not, and be not judged.
Your eyes, though they see as much as
A shadow from the viewing side of the screen,
Are shoehorned to be self-..
The celestial salt cellar, overturned,
Sprinkled black velours with pinprick-sized crystals -
Pendants of an asymmetrical chandelier.
Susceptible to sugarcoated venom,
Always on the side of the blade rather than the side of the hilt,
Being given a band-aid after being given a sta..
In the looking glass is seen a sullied lily
From the threshold of whose sable orbs liquid pendants cascade:
Each fraught with one poignance of a m..
The scrape of the pointed end of graphite is music
To a white-knuckled writer who creates art with words.
The smell of ink-adorned and blotted par..
My legs, though functional, are to a dancer what tone deaf ears are to a crooner.
My feet, though sensitive, are a dance floor's disgrace.
While m..
Fusion of binary opposites forged us -
Design of a non-earthly will albeit
Preceded not by hallowed vows.
Two gilded annuli sprinkled and symbo..
Moonlight's fingers softly touched the ebony silken tresses
Of the ivory figure that tarried in the dark penumbras of wooden skeletons.
Static ony..
This poem is about impermanence in life and relationships.