Wulfstan Crumble

Wulfstan Crumble


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Cirencester, England, and Kishiwada, Osaka, United Kingdom
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About Me

Wulfstan Crumble is a 27 year old Englishman. He is currently working on a plethora of pieces for various anthologies and magazines (hoping not all will get rejected). He really hopes that some of these experimental (for him) stories will be accepted.

MRU Anthology Call for Stories
Apr 4, 2008 - May 31, 2008

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As a child Wulfstan Crumble wished to be an archaeologist. Then later he discovered the studying of Dinosaurs was actually called Paleontology. However, he stuck with archaeology and studied it at both college and university. In 1999 he skipped work at Somerfields to get on the TV programme Time Team. Later at University he wrote and directed his debut (and so far only) play entitled "WitchTrial" for the Drovers Arts Festival (2001). Later he became CSA officer for the Student Union and founded the Chinese Society (the premier event of which involved duping Sodexho to sell Chinese food on campus).
Wulfstan Crumble under his real name has had letters published in Geographical, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Yomiuri, Japan Times and The Sun (whom he emotionally blackmailed into paying him). Then in Japan he has written for the Naniwa newsletter and edited The Osakan for one year. He has been a member of Writerscafe since December 2006.

I've signed The English Claim of Right

MRU Anthology Call for Stories
Apr 4, 2008 - May 31, 2008


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Miss you!

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello Mr Crumble. I can't find your email address, my friend... I am worried about emailing someone about plums and jam, with the possibility I would be reported for harassment, haha. Get in touch? I have lots of exciting news, x

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Posted 16 Years Ago

u alive!!!!???!!......what a pleasant surprise.....

i thought u had left this site for better 'things'...hhehe

how are u? still in the East?

and of course...ty for ur review.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

bad, lost my two jobs I had
I need to find another one
But everything else is well,
working on more writing, and
trying to get enough work so
I can be formally published, ya know, :(

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wulfstan! hellos, and greetings,
miss you! how are things?
Things are well here,
we are in a depression in Cali,
so maybe its not good, LOL

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Can you vote for me in
In My Love's Words CONTEST please...........if you feel it deserves it :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wulfstan! :S ---mishel

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

ahhh...i see...and like your thinking
*thumbs up*