I'm sitting up on the rooftop,can't hear a single sound.Up here so high abovethe ever so distant ground.I wanna bay at the moonlike a lone, lovestruck..
Written about my old childhood friend, and our failed friendship. I wish I could show her the pain she caused me. I know she could care less, but it w..
Yesterday was a little too much for me,I could hardly get through the day, honestly.As difficult as it has been the last 9 years,was worse yesterday t..
It's Mother's Day tomorrow, Momwhere do I even begin?We've not had a good one in 9 long yearsI wish there was a way I could make it up to you.I haven'..
On lonely, rainy days like theseI sit on my porch and look outwatching the raindrops fallingwishing you were here with me.I wanna dance in the pouring..
Sometimes I just have to put on a smilewhen I haven't felt like doing it in a while.It's not something I have to force myself to do,whenever I'm near ..
For a moment in time the music soothesbut it can not hide this emotional bruise.I try to write about how I'm feelingbut from my mouth artists are stea..
You can't expect me to just look the other waypretending to not notice whats comin' in the doorway.I kicked that son-of-a-b***h out in the first place..
You think of me heartlessyou think of me cruelbut please tell mewhat the f**k I'm to do.When I am aroundit's like I'm not even thereSo now that I've g..
You used to tell me I was the greatest person you knew..You'd tell me I was the least selfish of them all, to you.Well, there's something that I need ..