Say you follow in stores of conveniencedown aisles marked Deleuze,tip-toeing around black bodslaid rhizomatic and prim,as drawstrings pull and tighten..
This is my d***o. There are many like it, but this one is mine.My d***o is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.My..
First, the poem that begins: "Your hegemony is love,the kind whosetoesI sometimes get to suck".Later, the poem we left dangling from the branches of ..
Un.George Costanza grew tired of lugging around his Zion filled suitcase so he ducked into the nearest restroom. When I found him, he was being haggl..
After a long hard day of America,my favorite thing to dois open upmy laptop-clickedy-click-click i gountil i'vewrongedallof myinalienablerights.
Mood: Kanye Shrug, hence the problematic nature of being sprungfrom lesser flora,or the sounder logicsprawled in bloody Lorcaqua mi lengua inquietacha..
If not every flowereavesdropped upon on my bloom, then as playground mythopoesis.A game of tag-you're it,no takesies backsies,just good ol’ biop..
Tyler, the Creator and his dystopian
cadre of Californian rappers are most assuredly a “f*****g walking
paradox”. Since they've kicked ..
Do you meet me at uncooked center,to brain seared medium-well?
unto violets smoldered cerebral,red against inquisitive steel
At tomato discourse ser..
Who begatthis smooch,this peck,this crack piped kiss,the jangled keys to menopause.Detroits' inner thighs housingphantasmic mortgages.
Who begat ..