About Me
Photographer by nature, writer by design.
Not much to know about I, I've been writing for as long as I can remember, since I was a wee little child, first thing I started was with my father, actually, when i was about eight, and using that as a good starting point, I'll say I've been writing for eighteen years. Short stories/Novella's are my passion, poems are my fall-back, or simply when I'm really just wanting to play with language. I've contemplated getting into film, which would combine my two loves, but that is neither here nor there. I also write long tirades bordering on comedy. Basically, in essence, writing is my one true passion in life. I can be anywhere and write something a line, a poem, a whole bloody chapter, but that's rare as i do not write with pen/paper. I would love to, but my hand doesn't move as fast as my brain. I also tend to be long winded, that's why most of my "short stories" become novella's. Ha.
I enjoy experimenting with nonlinear writing and different techniques, for an instance, wrote a story a few years back with no dialogue, sixty-ish pages. It was bollocks, but it was an interesting experiment. But really, here I am being long-winded again.