❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀ : Writing

Disappointment ~Prologue~

Disappointment ~Prologue~

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

I was a disappointment to my family, that's what everyone says everytime they meet me. My parents always compares me to other people's kids. Like how ..
Reverse Code

Reverse Code

A Book by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

About a rotten world being saved by true darkness


A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The sky is ash colored and the rain is falling down heavier soaking everything it touches. Haru stood in front of 7 grave stones in line. Starting fro..
Next Heaven

Next Heaven

A Book by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

In this world, they are people called "Abnormal" the people who are below or above normal.Sorcery,Espers,Medium and Science In one world.This story c..
Unexplanable Power

Unexplanable Power

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Chapter 1: Unexplanable PowerThe normal world is boring,Normal is boring anything with the name "Normal" is boring:Normal people,Nor..
An invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Io

An invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Io

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Next Heaven:Chapter 2 Part 1(Io):An Invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Io"Boring,aah it's boring.I wish there is someone that ca..
An Invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Alice

An Invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Alice

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Next Heaven:Chapter 2 part 2 (Alice): An Invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to AliceEmotions,Feelings,Affection,Excitement,Happines..
An invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Kizuna

An invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to Kizuna

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Next Heaven:Chapter 2 Part 3 (Kizuna):An invitation from Konoe Magic Academy to KizunaMy name is Kizuna, ever since my parents disco..
Welcome To Konoe Magic Academy!

Welcome To Konoe Magic Academy!

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Next Heaven:Chapter 3:Welcome To Konoe Magic Academy!The three kids,Io,Alice and Kizuna accepted the invitation from Konoe Magic Aca..


A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

Unknown New World:Next Heaven:Chapter 4:PunishmentShion brought me to an old shrine, when I walked inside it,it was clean as new and its bigger thanwh..

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