Aikawa Io (First Name:Io Last Name:Aikawa)Age-16Hair-Jet BlackEyes-Dark blueWeight-139 lbHeight-140 cmUniform-A common black japanese uniform with gol..
Kurogane Kuroha (2) (鉄クロハ)History-Kuroha endured being shot in the head for over 600,000,000,000 times to ju..
Utashiro Haru(歌代春)(3)History-Haru got his name from Rin after Rin heard Haru's past.Haru's real name is Haruki,the name Ri..
Accessories- Kuroha always wears a white headphones around his neck.He uses it to listen to Radio (E.G: Soyogi and Rikka's Radio de alcot)Kuroha has a..
Shishigatani Iroha (鹿ケ谷いろは)Age- 18Hair - Translucent SilverEyes - Dark PurpleWeight - 130 Poun..
Ciel Lemaire シエル・レメールAge - 18Eyes - Emerald greenHair - She has a long golden hair. She ties h..
Lilian Aadelheart リリアン・アーデルハートAge - 18Hair - A long straight silky..
Shirakawa Riria 白川リリアAge - 18Hair - She has a black hair with the length of 154cm, she ties it up as a ponytail so ..
Kurogane Kuroha(鉄クロハ)The Time He lived - 6,000,000,000+ Days 16,438,356 YearsHow it was spent - 50% To ..
Makita Nagi ('""凪)Hair - Jet BlackEyes - AmberHeight - 157cmWeight - 137lbUniform - A brow..