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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank You, Love The Music.

-J.S. Randall

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey thank you for adding me on as a friend

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm going to post a story on my blog in a few days [maybe weeks] time. The first few pages of the screenplay will be added then, as well. Can't wait to read more of your stuff!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for asking about my writing. As of now, I am writing a novel and a screenplay. I am only a few sentences into the novel, and will post when segments of it are completed. The screenplay, however, is still in the works. If you would like, I could send you the first few sentenes of the novel. I will tell you when I have begun writing the screenplay.
Also, I am a VERY slow writer.
If you would like, here is my blog. I post about my writing, my photography, movies, books, and music. Here is the link:

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Well, you know, even diamonds tend to reside in
some of the darkest places on earth,
deep inside the mountain's shadow
before they are brought to light,
so how do they shine? with brilliance or mystique
You're welcome..have a great night, Michael

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Posted 15 Years Ago

throw down some writing..
I'm curious to see what you are holding back.. he he
and thanks for accepting my friends request,
take care, Michael

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey grrrl, I'm going to check out your chapter shortly. Gotta tell ya tho', the font's kinda tiny and hard to read. ;-) Thanks again for your comments, and more later. . .

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Your review of HELL FIRE is complimentary
and succinct.

Thank You !

----- Eagle Cruagh