Nely Amorim : Writing



A Poem by Nely Amorim

CATACLYSM since the dawn of time and the birth of man there are true heroes and there are cads seven years from now we will face our doom ..
My Little World

My Little World

A Poem by Nely Amorim

a small attempt to get back into it, my muse has left me.


A Poem by Nely Amorim

just something that came to me driving to work today
My Soul Weeps..

My Soul Weeps..

A Poem by Nely Amorim

a recurring dream I had through my youth.
Butterfly Kiss

Butterfly Kiss

A Poem by Nely Amorim

my muse inspires me as Al xxx
The Novel

The Novel

A Poem by Nely Amorim

well it's not really a novel, as you can see :)
Sister's Mine

Sister\'s Mine

A Poem by Nely Amorim

I have 6 sisters. This is for all of them.... with love. Adele, Filomena, Louisa, Aurora, Valerie, AnnaPaula...
Innocence Torn

Innocence Torn

A Poem by Nely Amorim

just something that came to me in my semi-sleep state...
My Ocean Dream

My Ocean Dream

A Poem by Nely Amorim

based on a dream I had recently... a little
Within Your Hands

Within Your Hands

A Poem by Nely Amorim

For someone who always makes my day brighter and my smile real... I love you Albert.

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