About MeStoic with STYLE. I'm Shanny, you may refer to me as "God", "Superior", "Admiral" Thanks. *Elvis voice* Fank you very..much. *stabs the stump repeatedly* DIE, DIE DIE! *looks up* WHO ARE YOU??! STRYCNINE, QUICK HIDE THE CARROTS! ..okay.. i know.. that.. yesterday.. with the knife.. STRYCNINE TOLD ME TO DO IT! Oh, don't lie Strycnine. *points hysterically at him* HE'S COMPLETELY MAD! SOMEONE HAS TO STOP HIM! OK! TIME FOR NAME BADGES! *hands you one that says ”[Kiss the Octaves]s oppressed servant”* THERE! You look LOVELY! *hugs for all* ..oo.. *watches how everyone lays on the floor screaming and burning* ...Meheh... *inches away and runs* [Kiss the Octaves] + Loves to be alone + Watches how Strycnine brags about his coolness + Rules + AHHHHH + Wand? + *pokes* Strycnine doesn't want me to see you anymore. sorry.. <.< *stab*stab*stab* Haha... You smell like Ebola a sunny day bathing in Cheerios. *embraces in ecstacy* OH YESH. WHAT ARE YOU? *moves slowly closer* I've never seen such a being before... *touches* ..eh?.. *pokes* HAHA, YOURE REALLY SOFT! Must. Finish. Presentation. *bird chirps outside* AH, YOU RUINED MY CONCENTRATION! Boop. Bi bopp doop. Bi pop do doop. *dig* bum bi boop pi doop.. *starts dancing* BUM DOOP DI DOO *headbangs on the table* *leans against the door that at the moment holds a scottish man imprisoned* Hi. i just wanted to say that- Get me outta ’er, yer wee lass o' HELL!! *kicks door* stfu. Anyway, i just wanted to say... that... i've found my goal in life... AND THAT'S TO FIGURE OUT HOW THE HELL dV/dt=-2π My(L(D)-1/6n*mpåsidan*i=1 ei(D)) CAN BE BEER FOAM i don't love you. At all. Nu-uh. Meh You dropped your pocket [Remember Ladies and Gentlemen that I am soon to rule the world. And you will all perish in the deep abysses of heaven. *grabs the staff and raises it visciously* Muahahahah... and.. wait.. what's that? *lowers staff* Is that a wand?! YAY!..MINE!!..GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU PLAGUED CREATURES *throws herself after wand*] Congratufuckinglations, you've made it all the way to the end. O_O Stop staring at me like that! Your arm will grow back out, you fool. Totem pole. While you were counting shooting stars, I was drinking pure Vodka. |