Matthew D. Ford

Matthew D. Ford


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Detroit, MI
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About Me

I love to write and I'm currently in school. I've been trying to find a good writing contest forever, found one, and procratinated and missed it. But besides that, I found this site on and tried it. You have to start out somewhere, right? But, I love Bones, Modern Family, Glee, Weeds, United States of Tara, Dexter, and other shows. I love God, rock and pop music, especially Lady Gaga, Madonna, Britney, U2, Linkin Park, Phoenix, Florence + the Machine, and even some electronic like Passion Pit, Kaskade, LCD Soundsystem, and a few others. I love to write satire, comedy, dramas, and nonfiction about my life in school.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for all the reviews! You're uber kind!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes I am enjoying the Popsicles so far. :) I think that, if I could ever finish my sea of homework and stop procrastinating, and not have to interrupt Oscar Night, I will write that story. It's actually entertaining. Most of the details will have to come from my Nana and Mom, as I was totally knocked out!

And I am continuing to grow closer to God. I find myself talking to Him constantly, as I used to stray away. I have a lot to learn, though, as do we all. But God is wonderful and I have no idea where I would be without Him. He has continued to show mercy everyday through my stupid teenage acts.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Ooh! Wisdom teeth... :( Yes I'm sure that'd make for a good/painful story. *laughs* let me know if you ever do write it down, I'd love to read it.

Glad to hear that your family is helping you as you "grow in your walk" with God. That made a huge difference in my life, I know. Especially when I didn't exactly emulate Christ's love for them, they never gave up on me. ;)

Well glad you back on the WC. Hope your stay is a long one this time. Enjoy the Popsicles!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for review!! ha that actually wasn't me who'd done the parenthesis in that poem!! it was a collaboration - so the other people did that! I didn't add much to that poem, just re-shaped it/worded it a bit - but I do normally do that in my natural style!! :)

and as per BS - she's driven mad by her own jealousy!! which makes it all the stronger film!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I've been a member on WC since 2008, in, literally, my most inspiring writing era, writing-, music-, and movie-wise. I found it from someone on Yahoo! Answers and a few friends and I joined. I forgot about it for several months, but have been visiting it a lot over the past few months. My friends have all abandoned it. They only joined because I joined.

My religion, or rather my lifestyle, is all about God. Jesus is the only true Savior, as I've recognized before I was born, as well. I grew up (and am still growing up) in a very religious household, and each and every day, I am learning to embrace it more and more and tell people about it. I have no reason to be ashamed.

Thanks and may God bless you.

P.S. Yesterday, I had my own little dentist story and thought about writing it, but I don't know yet. (I had my wisdom teeth puled - OUCH!!! Now I have an excuse to eat soft foods and Popsicles).

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh good. For your sake I hope more do. :)
How long have you been a member on here? Not to be nosy. *smile* I've been on here for a few years now and am always curious when I met someone new.

As to your question, my savior is Christ Jesus. :) Been apart of that "old time religion" Christianity stuff since before I was born, but the personal aspect of my relationship with God didn't come about until I was in my early teens.
You say you love your religion; which do you subscribe to?
I'm too find the topics of religion, spirituality, and their partnership to be fascinating.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh, thank you. I see now. I thought I had actually put "a mask burned", but after re-reading it, it appears I haven't. Sorry about that. I'll change it now. Thanks again.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you're welcome! and no I understood the reference - it was a clear one - but the way it's written as "masked burned" - as it is, it reads awkward (-ed, -ed) - so was wondering if you meant mask burned instead, which I think you did! :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello again. I've been well, with a full week. Although I'm on Mid-Winter Break, my teachers have decided to load me with homework. So I have a lot of that to do. I am in the 10th grade, just starting my third quarter a few weeks ago. Don't sweat it, not responding. I can't tell you how many times I've not responded to WC friends after forgetting to log back on after months on end.

Sadly, I have not written much over the past weeks, with it being pretty hectic at school, and me being a lazy slouch. That's my #1 problem. I'm lazy. However, I did start that critic story and redid the first chapter of my novel, opting to redo the entire story. Then I did start an essay about my dog and what may be going through the minds of animals, and one more story about a month ago about a teacher singing at a karaoke bar and being caught by one of her students. I know it sounds like a lot of writing, but trust me, it's not. I, sadly, start stories and never finish them, fearing that they may be inadequate or silly, like my old writing. It's a stupid fear and I plan to break it this week.....after finishing all that homework.

Enough of me. What school is UTD? What's it stand for? How do you capture inspiration for your stories? Most of my wild ideas come from other wild ideas, music (I'm a music freak (Radiohead is beaming in my ears right now)), and random things out of nowhere. And what is Animal about?

Thanks again. Write you soon.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

What year are u in at school? Highschool?