My take on social media.
Ithought about you the other day,
Of how it was before, no change.
Hurledintoa realisation,
of waning grief for the sentient.
I have been bruised.
Unlike the flesh of fruit,
It's not easy to see.
A deflated sigh unveils,
My body expectant,
Forgetful of thought.
Sinking silently
Into myself
Unable to reach
For anyone.
Vocal chords torn
Severed yet hopeful
Willing for change.
It's time for you to go,
I never asked for you to stay.
Oblivious - my dear - to the obvious.
I wish it could be different,
Perhaps it will on..
You could mistake them for being ill.
Not physically, of course -
But mentally - just important.
Or so you'd think.
I was mistaken at first,
I account for my self worth
by the smile worn on the faces of others.
Placing a mask of denial over a facade,
I wander absentmindedly into familiar..
Self discovery shouldn't be
about finding your worth
amongst the clutches of others.
But we're taught from a young age,
To be the best version of ..
Dull, tacky clouds
Scattered amongst the
Harsh morning light that
Beats upon heavy, tired eyes.
Dusty and withered,
Cracked flesh is exposed.
We would fall at the first hurdle
If physicality was important,
But that doesn't mean it wasn't real -
Does it?
I think of you occasionally,