Steeven : Writing

If I didn’t scratch as much as an unkempt record

If I didn’t scratch as much as an unkempt record

A Poem by Steeven

Curtains, far too long, Covered air conditioning unit Madonna lingering Far passed courtesy Laminated on the TV. screen I..
not poem

not poem

A Poem by Steeven

really not a poem a thought due to 3 days with no sleep
the trophy

the trophy

A Poem by Steeven

there are no flagsno colours woneverything tastesmint to numb
My cheap Mitchell carelessly broken

My cheap Mitchell carelessly broken

A Poem by Steeven

mitchell is low end brand of guitar


A Poem by Steeven

Found the answer As I drained into gutter Of palm frond Forgotten Wesson Figured repetition of psalms Would suffice ..
no title. suggestions?

no title. suggestions?

A Poem by Steeven

a cycle content to be in
mother, please turn off the radio in my head

mother, please turn off the radio in my head

A Poem by Steeven

no real description here
harvest moon

harvest moon

A Poem by Steeven

complete selfishness
the chicken

the chicken

A Poem by Steeven

fighting figments of me

fighting figments of me

A Poem by Steeven

Have you given Birthday card to your father So tongue to heart They were one And heard it read aloud Where a comma Apostro..