i was formed by the lines of her lipswarmth of breathmelted me to fill valleys sink into the grapefruit horizonof her smile.now malformed, a circle fa..
an inquiry to what i wasdeemed unnecessary to replyafter all, is it a question of my history-present being? My origin, may be?but any ever see my voic..
i canpay supplylight i ndshootese shadows leaninover`nder`gainstfence, breakbrakelinesbut if i cut a throat with a candy-canesuffocate with cotton-c`n..
imwholeallwaysokfractured un brokencurved roundhdstraighta line n`vr`agni keepspinning threadto find (-)friendthrew in air`n i find hairo yoursin the ..
eyesupwardouttatmosfereadmyringfanetestarimagin terraneeasilydrink its leaking lightts`why munched tagether `erdssunrise'll be fine typsyness'll dispa..