Evening Star : Writing

The test

The test

A Chapter by Evening Star

The yard behind the Great Hall was not really a yard at all but a long corridor whose walls were formed by thick grown hedges. It had been used ..
The K'Satria

The K'Satria

A Chapter by Evening Star

The dog was smashed between them and the girl felt a calloused thumb probe for the socket of her eye. She turned it away from it and at the same t..
The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins

A Chapter by Evening Star

“Let the word and the legend go before you.” Garrock had told her as he lay in a broken pile on the ground of the yard behind the Gre..
A Proper Fairwell

A Proper Fairwell

A Story by Evening Star

Amber Vaughn, a teenage girl trained as an assassin, has just received her first assignment. She meets with her secret boyfriend Alexander Alkaev to s..

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