Evening Star : Writing

The Ties that Bind

The Ties that Bind

A Story by Evening Star

Amber made her way down the long stone corridor of the castle’s main wing towards her mother’s personal apartment. Her boots made soft cl..
The Honor in Death

The Honor in Death

A Book by Evening Star

Amber along with Andrew and Mary Sinclair are on a trip to Amber's home of New Jerusalem. Along the way they camp and Amber relates the story of the d..
The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home

A Chapter by Evening Star

Amber struck flint to a worn piece steel and watched as the sparks flew catching on the kindling she had gathered and setting the collection of leav..


A Chapter by Evening Star

It was summer and hot. The season had come in like a lion that year with the warm west winds blowing in off the desert blasting the fields of the ca..
The Games Children Play

The Games Children Play

A Chapter by Evening Star

The sky was white. Perfectly white. The smell of rain was strong in the air and the smell of the hedges growing was sweat and pleasant even here in ..
Trying the Line

Trying the Line

A Chapter by Evening Star

Thomas Andrews had come from the shops in the forum and when he saw the girl crossing the training yard he ran to tell Amber the latest gossip o..
Deeds Done in Shadows

Deeds Done in Shadows

A Chapter by Evening Star

The cook in the west kitchen was named Rygar. He stood huge in food stained whites, a man of mixed heritage with an olive complexion that was not co..
The Weapon

The Weapon

A Chapter by Evening Star

The girl’s room was dark, lonely and like everything else on this summer day stiflingly hot. Her window was open letting in some degree of ..
The Death of Innocence

The Death of Innocence

A Chapter by Evening Star

Amber’s father was only just back from the uplands and he looked out of place among the drapes and chiffon finery of the main receiving hall t..
The Lessons of My Fathers

The Lessons of My Fathers

A Chapter by Evening Star

Gallows hill lay about a mile outside the city of New Jerusalem along the Great Northern Road. The road was not as grand as the trade road east but ..

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