Chapter One - Murdoch Mystery’s
Murdoch Mystery’s was nothing more than a small office located on the east side of town. It was dirt..
The Mysterys of a town are unraveled by young detective William Malone.
The story of the very pratincole Mr Chorley.
A fan fiction of the great Gatsby, telling the story of how Gatsby began his relationship with Wolfshire and how he obtained his mansion and wealth.
Sam, a stuck up stereotypical Englishman gets drunk in Paris and ends up at a local Coffee shop and meets a young girl named Seydoux.
For Beatrice, now you are gone, my heart won’t go on.
Dear Publisher,
I am very displeased that you have decided to not to tell every..
The story of the Young Baudelaire orphans life down the street in Bakerville.
Set in 1900's New York, two families battle to take control of the city.
Mark sat in the cafe nursing his cup of tea, his hands wrapped around it warming his hands. He could feel eyes looking at him, he looked in t..