"Blessings to you for your prayers."So thinks the sailor as he travels.He thinks of his family, his friends.He knows he loves them all.The sea today i..
Eyes open and close.Lean back, let what happens happen.Words are sometimes like abortions.Forced out before their time.Screaming lips, hasty tongues.B..
The hardest part is the night.Movie on, volume low, as I try to sleep.Trying is not doing.Pretend the city traffic soundsare sounds of other peopletry..
Always the morning comes,in one manner or another.Still, thank God for every morning.If pain interrupts the ritualof toast and coffee,still there is f..
I listened to my favourite Beatles album.Closed my eyes as the harmonies glistened in my ears.Remembered when I bought the album, the LP.Sign of my ol..
I'm not ready to say goodbye.Not to anyone.I want to endure, survive, overcome.I want to watch my grandchildrengrow up, become men. I want towatch my ..
I wonder if the dead peoplestill speak to those they loved?Perhaps the living can not hear them?Or might notrealize that their loved onescontinue to t..
Today is not a good day, indeed.The uncomfortable aching persists.Today is good for everyone else.I watch them from my balcony.Blowing wind and comfor..
Days and nights flutter by like danglinghand-cream left on the table. Somethingcalls me. Someone? A voice, internal orexternal I don't know? Mysteries..
I realized that I am alreadyworking on the "Cancer" poems.This fascinates me, in thatclearly my only formof release lies in scribblingwords. Is that w..