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Amanda Marie

Amanda Marie


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About Me

I'm from Jersey, and currently working on my first novel. I have a lifetime of poetry and stories and I only wish to inspire and be inspired. Everything I do is for my art, anything I see stays in my soul. I have a filthy mouth and I smoke too much. I would never judge someone but I won't stand stupidity. I couldn't imagine living in a world where I can't say the first thing that comes too my mind. I treat everyone with equal respect, unless they don't deserve it. I hold my head high and carry myself in a way that may be intimidating to others. I just started doing make-up, and I always have my camera with me, for when inspiration strikes. I also cater out of my home and am working towards getting my culinary arts degree. I come from a very poor place, and I'm not ashamed of my roots. One day, you'll know my name.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Fill your world

Be a friend, and you will have a friend. Give, and you receive.
Teach, and you will learn. Offer encouragement, and you'll be lifted up.

Listen intently, seeking to truly understand, and you will be understood. Be respectful and you'll be respected.

Life is a mirror that reflects back to you what you think, what you expect, what you feel, and what you do. The way to improve the reflection is to improve what's being reflected.

Be the love, be the compassion, be the strength, be the responsibility that you wish to see in others. Be the best example you can imagine and you'll be pleased with how your example is followed.

The way you most sincerely live is magnified by all that is around you. Live true to your highest purpose, and that purpose expands to fill your world.

-- Ralph Marston