where do you put your masks?do you keep them in pocketsin a jacket big enough toenvelope them and keep them close?i am struggling with minetoo many to..
i tingle andcatch myselfsighingbreath leaving lipsmoistened justjust enoughso much saidin one tinyexhalation
men and women, lined upsharp dressed, pressedcrisp camo, no smileseach one readyready to kill, ready to die.sent out like paperdollsfodder for the new..
went to the woodpiledreaming of fire(naught but ashes,and a gathering chill)the ax was misshapenbent, dry(treated poorly but..still expected to perfor..
i battle demons that peoplefear to talk aboutlike admitting that theyexist is some sort ofweakness(what fools we breed.simple little people whothrive ..
sometimes i just get so damnedangry.for no reason, or many reasonsevery reason, every seasoni want to shout to the worldHERE I AM!but i won't - never ..
life is messyall the emotion, all the tripethe crap, and the guiltone man's storyis another man's lieyet we keep goingplodding along,like good littles..
sometimes,walking with my headheld highis just sodamnhard.(god knows this head isheavy, so heavy)people see methey let their gazewander just a bitupan..
I've spent half my liferailing at one godor another.(sometimes, I think,just to hear myself)my tears have soakedthe roots of Yggdrasiland washed blood..
they all ask, how do you feel?discordant, cymbals crashingclashing with the sounds ofhorns, and wooden instrumentsthat bellow mournfullyNo really...I'..