i have an avatar ofmy face - lips zipperedso that all the wordsbeating against my teethare corralled, to starveand diesix hundred digital strangerswea..
each step I take and feel that pullthe muscles of my thighs tighteningreleasing, pulsing, warm and tenderin remembrance of where theycradled you
gaspingthose days that are coveredin ash and cloud and dustair that crawls down the throatlike broken glass scratchingtearingeyes bleeding pink tinged..
Battles fought and hard wonwith the blood and tearsof people who were lookingfor everythinga country founded for onegoal, one dream, one hopenot god, ..
for every time you'd say"Baby, you're MY crazy girl"for every bad karaoke songevery late night talkingabout books, poetry, lovelust, hate and the stat..
you whispered my namein the mikvah, in the templeyou whispered my namein the desert, in the mosqueyou whispered my nameon your knees, in the churchFat..
i came to you, slightly brokenused, and a little losti knew that i didn't need youbut what you had couldhelprestoreme.i needed to be touchedit didn't ..
just thinking of gods
blind white nobility
pride falsely defined
Armor crinkled like
Tin foil creaking
cellophane joints
come at me with your gun
your dul..
wake up, groggyrub mascara across mycheek - lip gloss everywheregritty taste of too muchliquor, too many smokespillow damp from sweatthirsty, but... d..