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A Poem by Doug

Everything Everything

A Poem by Doug

Moment Moment

A Poem by Doug

Backlash Backlash

A Poem by Doug

Confusion Confusion

A Poem by Doug

Contemplation Contemplation

A Poem by Doug

Reflection Reflection

A Poem by Doug

My Infinite If My Infinite If

A Poem by Doug

About Me

I love both reading and writing. I have been reading for as long as I can remember, and I started writing about three years ago. I have been at it ever since.

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality." -Edgar Allan Poe-


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congratulations!!!!! That's so awesome :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey, Doug! Anything you'd like read?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sorry for the late reply. My work keeps me out of the house so much that my dog hardly ever recognizes me.

Anyway... thanks for the comment and the compliment but... I'm not sure that asking for my advice to become a better writer is a smart thing to do. I've never been published as a creative writer since I pretty much suck at everything. I think, though, that I suck a little less because I only write about the things that I feel for. Well... that and I never say "you are beautiful" when I really think that that person "looks like a summer day; when everyone is too rich in possibilities to worry about about sweat-stains on their armpits."

I hope that is, in any way, helpful. =)

Thanks again. =)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Whoops, I triple posted accidentally... not sure how that happened. Feel free to delete two of them, haha.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, first off, thanks for the comments and the fave... glad you enjoyed.
Secondly, tips? Where do I start? There is no right or wrong way, there never is; it's all subjective, it all comes down to finding and developing your own voice yet not being restrained by it. So, experiment, Google all the poetic terms, learn all the basics, the formal metered crap that can get annoying, but in the end is worth it so you can unlearn all of it. So that it becomes an internal thing, one you've nearly forgotten but never will.
Myself, I've never gone to university. I didn't want to be just another clone hashing out the same old academic crap that they want you to write about. I guess I'm in the middle where, yes, it needs originality and artfulness, yet it needs to be grounded in real life experiences, in the nitty-gritty which is at once personal yet universal. I've been writing um... 14 years now but only in the past 4 years have I finally gone "aha!", but even now I'm still learning and will forever learn. That's another thing: ego. Don't let it consume you. Other people's opinions too: sure, take them in, but don't let it change what's inside you.

It's poetry, dude. Be free. Go nuts. Read the poets both alive and dead which appeal to you. Myself, I love Lorca, Neruda, Sappho, Sexton, Rimbaud... all of these poets, to me, have a sense of wild refinement which I can never match but which will always sustain me and make me look at this world differently. If you haven't read them, then do so.

Yeah. Does this answer your question somewhat?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi. Thank you for taking time to comment on my work. =)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy Nineteen!!!!!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Can you vote for me in
In My Love's Words CONTEST please...........if you feel it deserves it :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I am sorry to her that my friend x

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Posted 16 Years Ago

diana esta muy consada. como estas tu? tienes escribir?
<3 di