LuvFlyer Creations : Writing

The Deadly Artwork

The Deadly Artwork

A Poem by LuvFlyer Creations

He was just a boy who hated his life He took the sharpest knife And locked himself away Where he would paint his picture of the Midw..
The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

A Story by LuvFlyer Creations

Today is the day that the old SLC will be torn down. Even though I knew I wouldn’t miss it, I decided to take one last walk through it. I ..
Chapter One: The New Job

Chapter One: The New Job

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

I woke up at the a*s crack of dawn to get ready for my dream job. I swiped my uniform from the hanger in my closet. I did my morning routine and the..
Chapter Two: The Downfall

Chapter Two: The Downfall

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

Today has been the worst day of my life. I lost my best friend and my favorite plane crashed. At least I still have southwest.air.luvflyz they mean ..
Chapter Three: The Freak Accident

Chapter Three: The Freak Accident

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

As the plane pulled in, I noticed that the aircraft was starting to shift to the left. I tried to yell at Jackson to move but it was too late. He wa..
Chapter Four: Death

Chapter Four: Death

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

“Please Aydyn you can do whatever you want to me but leave Troy out of this.” I begged. It was waterworks on the dirt path. Troy&rs..
The Death Of Castleton

The Death Of Castleton

A Book by LuvFlyer Creations

A sad story of how one character ends up losing his friends which leads to his death.

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