LuvFlyer Creations : Writing

Chapter Six: The Entry

Chapter Six: The Entry

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

The most popular one was Battle Blaster. Everyonewanted that ride because part of the theming isabandoned which would make it much more fun to haunt.A..
Chapter Seven: The Ride

Chapter Seven: The Ride

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

I tried to grab onto something but it was too late I wasfalling twords the ground to my death. Just before I hit theside of the cliff I slammed into s..
Chapter Eight: New Ride

Chapter Eight: New Ride

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

“Why would you do that?” I asked“Oh I’m sorry for not telling you ahead of time but we arehere.” Mrs.RC replied“Oh..
Chapter Nine: The Rebuild

Chapter Nine: The Rebuild

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

When we all got off the rickety bus we found out what wewere really going to do.“Well everyone as you can see we are in the old waterparksection..
Chapter Ten: The Smiler

Chapter Ten: The Smiler

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

I nervously looked around but had no luck. I then realizedhow much of an idiot I was. The start was completelyfinished. I contemplated jumping off int..
Chapter Eleven: Clean Up

Chapter Eleven: Clean Up

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

When I got in X-Sector people were hard at work onremoving the old ride parts. When I got to my ride it justmade me tear up to see parts of the spider..
Chapter Twelve: The Dream

Chapter Twelve: The Dream

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

“Would you like to help fix the theming Rebecca?”Mrs.RC asked“Well is it ok if I work on the park signs?” I asked“Yeah s..
Chapter Thirteen: Spirt Of The Southwest

Chapter Thirteen: Spirt Of The Southwest

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

Everything had color again. I looked around and I was stillin the same place that Jennifer stabbed me in. I lookedaround and nothing that I saw happen..
Chapter Fourteen: Break

Chapter Fourteen: Break

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

As I was working on the sign somebody approached mefrom behind. I quickly jumped and turned to see Tanner.“Did you make this Rebecca?” Tan..
Chapter Fifteen: Ruins

Chapter Fifteen: Ruins

A Chapter by LuvFlyer Creations

The person had a death grip on me. They kept draggingme all the way past the bridge and back to my ride. WhenI got there I tried to run away again but..