It was a Friday night,as far back as my memory goes..a night as cloudy as this one.Shackles of routine and the mundane life of ‘contract’ ..
Upon the face of time,along the bygone years..Till where all the horizons blend..From the merging shadows,Death appears..For severed bonds were there ..
Here I stand,on a path of no return,And into the darkness it leads..No bend,nor curve..not even a turn..Undeterred;as men of solemn deeds..The road le..
Just read and describe in any way you deem fit!
Joy and mirth!Carols and rhymes!"Bring forth the cakes and pies..""Dear ones come gather 'round,Spare no moment to disguise."The mother's voice, was f..
A window sill And the hollow sky,Are all that hold his stare.The naked man, breathed no word ,That the ashen clouds could share."Imminent storms!"-the..