Soulfulbubbles : Writing

1. to form

1. to form

A Chapter by Soulfulbubbles

Bring me to form,Tested and temperedI made to beginat first as a tasteless formwithin a mouthy mindchitter chatter crackthe crunch and clash ofteeth a..


A Book by Soulfulbubbles

writers block. writing thru. experimenting
A Reason To Fall

A Reason To Fall

A Chapter by Soulfulbubbles

Long lashesdrinking in deeplya reason to fallFive years old again,naked she brings in her kneesshriveled up on the dirt floorshattered and bleeding in..
Family Dreams

Family Dreams

A Chapter by Soulfulbubbles

Ideals are delicate dreams of how we want our reality to be.The error is to assume what we want is our actuality.The family dream was the sputtered sp..
Not The Wings Left Behind

Not The Wings Left Behind

A Chapter by Soulfulbubbles

Recess, keep your sticks and jungle gym child hoods.Leave me to build grass nests for the broken baby wings, homes for those fallen from the trees. In..

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