Sorenel Rain

Sorenel Rain


backish again need to write more

Wyoming, RI
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About Me

I'm very crazy, an odd ball of sorts. I love writing, its the perfect way to vent, or say what your thinking without having to censor anything. I write stories, and poems, if I don't write every week I tend to go crazy. I am who I am, and I love being that way. Crazy and all! ^_^ If you don't like the way I write or what I'm writing about don't read. What I write comes from the heart, I put a lot of passion into all my works. Please enjoy! ^_^



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Posted 14 Years Ago

HEy wow I am sorry I am going to bed I know I don't sleep but i will try to ly down

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Posted 15 Years Ago

lol dude i keep tellin ya shakes its TWICHI
lol no extra t lol....
ik u dont mean to which is y its funny lol but just thought id tel ya

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Posted 15 Years Ago

btwe i like the new story so far ill have a new one up here soon im working on one too

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Posted 15 Years Ago

haha ya hes a cutie lol
but let me say this much he was almost as good as deven and if he says he can do better than damnnn im in for it hahaha yay!!!!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im soo freakin tired sdhakes!!!
lol last night was so much fun tho ^_^
omg im so happy hehe....
thx for dressin me lol

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Posted 15 Years Ago

haha ya i must b lucky to not only have u as a friend now but to have an emt as a bf lol im gonna miss him when he goes away for training for 8 weeks tho.... but im glad we can hang out and not fight n e more ^_^ i like how things r now

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Posted 15 Years Ago

heyy shakes...
this wekend was really fun ^.^
sorry for going twichi on u n kian >.< but the rave was still mad fun...the parts i remember lol... n e way...we should all hang out again soon...ttyl

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Posted 15 Years Ago

heyy i have some new stuff...stories and poems let me kno what u think of them.....

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Posted 15 Years Ago

dont click here is madd funny hahahaah
only i would find something that dumb entertainin hhaa

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Posted 15 Years Ago

wow im really ur top buddy???
thats of all ppl