About Me
Sophie Hawthorne is my pen name. I won't reveal my real name on this site.
I lived with my mother in California until I was four and it was revealed she couldn't take proper care of me. Then I moved in with my grandmother where I stayed for ten years before we both decided it would be the smart thing to do if she just adopted me. So now I'm adopted. I'm a sophomore in high school, so that roughly means I'm fifteen.
I first became interested in writing when I was in the sixth grade. I wrote a lot of terrible short stories before I finally got it right, and I've only completed one multi-chapter story in my life. I stopped writing about a year and a half later because some pretty bad writer's block set in that I've never fully recovered from. Basically, I went from writing crappy stories to good stories and went right back to crappy stories again. But, writing is my love and joy and I haven't written for far too long. It's time I pick up the pen -- or rather, keyboard -- again. I know that I'm a decent writer, maybe good, and hopefully (although this is a dream that is far away) good enough to publish someday.
Right now, my writing skills are rusty. I'm experimenting. I do not expect five star reviews.