Michael Mariano : Writing

Somalia: The Advice Micheal Mariano Gave Somali National Movement or SNM

Somalia: The Advice Micheal Mariano Gave Somali Na..

A Story by Michael Mariano

Michael Mariano made a compelling plea for the preservation of Somalia's unity. He argued that the country's fragmentation could threaten the general ..
Micheal Mariano of Somalia: Farhan Mohamud’s Attempt on Biography

Micheal Mariano of Somalia: Farhan Mohamud’s..

A Story by Michael Mariano

A wannabe writer in American, failed in his research on Micheal Mariano’s biography. Will Mr. Farhan Mohamud try again his poorly planned resear..
The Case Against Writing Reviews: Why I Don't Need Feedback

The Case Against Writing Reviews: Why I Don't Need..

A Story by Michael Mariano

Why I don’t need a review of my writing.
I Don’t Need Review

I Don’t Need Review

A Poem by Michael Mariano

This poem serves as a reminder for writers everywhere: the act of writing is, in itself, a fulfilling journey. It highlights the importance of self-ac..
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Somalia 1960s: Michael Mariano And The Jealous Boy of Ceel Afweyn Village

Somalia 1960s: Michael Mariano And The Jealous Boy..

A Story by Michael Mariano

Michael Mariano finds it hard to seduce a window due to her jealous son
Somalia 1969: Micheal Mariano Arrested by Coup Generals

Somalia 1969: Micheal Mariano Arrested by Coup Gen..

A Story by Michael Mariano

Micheal Mariano, minister of planning, arrested by military that took the control of Somalia by bloodless coup