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About Me

I'm a young girl who loves to write. Writing is my outlet. When i feel that no one will listen and i'm overwhelmed, my emotion comes out through my poetry. Writing is my passion, and no one can EVER take that from me.
Name: Carlotta
Alter Ego: Solitaire
Age: 18
Sign: Libra
Music: All
Hobbies: running, reading, playing basketball, WRITING.
Favorite Quote: "Hope is Paralyzing"; "The eyes are the windows to the Soul"; "
Life Goal: Open a Rec/study center for young teens to find positive outlets in their lives.
My Quote: "Music is Poetry in Motion, and we use this poetry to massage our souls."

Solitaire- a precious stone, esp. a diamond, set by itself, as in a ring.
Poet- a person possessing special powers of imagination or expression.
Poette- Female Poet

There for the definition of Carlotta Lewis is- Solitaire Poette

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi there, honey pop! Nothing much has been going on here but drama. I can tell you that much. Miss you, too. Going to check and see if you have anything new for me. Toodles!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Well, when I say old I just mean that it's not the newest one. lol, but yeah, I know what your talking about. That's good I'm happy for you. :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol wait are you talking about the older one that he wrote for you???

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Posted 14 Years Ago

We all have weaknesses. I consider it a thorn to keep us humble. But if it is a weakness you know you must overcome, confide in someone who will build you up. Preferably, a person you aspire to imitate, that does the things you hope to do one day. DO NOT isolate yourself or surround yourself with those who do things you wish not to do. That will only hinder your progress. You'll be surprised by the change in attitude and actions when you surround yourself with positivity.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Is your life over? Do you have more hours, days, months, years, to live? It looks that way to me? So how can a TEEN assess her life as a failure when it has just begun? Do you feel your grandmother felt you would accomplish everything she wished for you by this date? Because if she did, it her wish, NOT YOU, that is doomed to fail. Give yourself time to work out the kinks and keep your promise as a goal. Make tiny steps toward it. And if you can't do that, then takes steps to make the failed promise as successful as it can be.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi, sweetie pie! Sorry, I was on the senry slayers page looking up definitions. I've been okay... but now, looking at your status, I'm disturbed. Whatsup, Pooh?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Don't believe that.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm sorry :(

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Posted 14 Years Ago


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy Birthday to you! =)