


You will feel a slight tingling sensation then death

Washington, IL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

My name is Mason. I'm 17 and a senior in High School. I've never really written seriously, and I'm most likely god awful at it to be completely honest. But hey practice makes perfect right? At least that's what everyone tells me. I play trumpet, and that is basically my life outside of school. I love it. Yeah I tend to ramble, and swear, i don't often have a filter. I could apologize for that but I don't need to because that kind of s**t happens daily. (case and point).
If i give you any sort of review, it is because I am genuinely interested in your piece. I will attempt to help, most likely won't work but I'll sure as hell try my hardest. That does not mean that if you were to review a piece of mine that I will review a piece of yours. The world doesn't work that way. That's enough about me. You wanna know more just ask. Have a nice day