K Antonacci

K Antonacci


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My World, RI
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About Me

Welcome to the mind that is me. :) I'm happy to have you, and i'm excited to meet you. The things on this page are sometimes things that i don't dare to say aloud, some are spin-offs of conversations that i have already had. Whether you like something or oppose it completely, please drop a comment :) I will be more than willing to talk.

Love is something that is all around me in life. I have just started my freshman year of college and i'm loving everything. Altered states of mind intrigue me, but i will never find any of them willingly. I will observe those who are experiencing something out of normality. I love music, it is the sound of what feelings truely are. But to me, writing, off all things, expresses everything that could be ever cared for, thought of, felt in the heart, and what could want to be heard. What deserves to be said, when sometimes you cannot utter the thought out loud.

I'm Kristy, feel free to read my mind, my voice, and my heart.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

I know; i've been away for so long.... and it's hard to come back and see that so many amazing people have left... and then when i saw that all my writing was gone, with all its reviews... i almost had a heart attack. However, i was able to save and restore, and that made me feel better, and if anything... made me appreciate my work all the more. So I'm going to try my best to get "back into the swing of things" too... and enjoy my writing (and others) more.

That was longer than I anticipated it being. What I meant to say is, good to see you! Hehe



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey sweet! It has been ages, huh? Can�t wait to read some new stuff! Anything on the way?


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I've been pretty good. It's been so long, how are you. I haven't been on the cafe pretty much at all. College has prettymuch taken over. I'm in Nashville now at Lipscomb University. I really like it but I have to write so much for class that I have trouble wanting to write at all for myself.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

That's wonderful, my friend!! Tell me all about it...

I'm just peachy, thankyou :)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey K! Yes I remember you lovely to hear from you!
I am well... well actually I am ridiculously hungover right now it's very very unpleasant...
What's been happening?


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Neat! Can't wait to read.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Where have ye been?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Natures Best
Jun 14, 2007 - Jul 14, 2007
Win $00.00, Pride and those cute little Icons

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yay you!! Boo me!! I signed up for summer semester; I'm taking one class this summer.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Can i delete that last comment? lol. anyhow, i dont think there are any other rhymes with monkey...