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About Me

i'm 19, i'm from England (UK). i love cinema and shopping, and one of the main things i my's always been there through the hard and tough times in my life.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

people,you can comment on my writings you know,don't just read them, write a comment or review.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Imagine for a moment that your every desire has been fulfilled. Even the dreams you dare not to dream have become a reality.

How would you live each moment of each day in such a bright and shining reality?

As you imagine yourself living out your most treasured dreams, you begin to touch the tangible and authentic purpose behind those dreams. And you come to understand that the person you would become if you truly had it all is with you even now.

Life is found not in waiting or hoping for anything to come to you. Life is best lived knowing that who you are and what you have is always more than enough. The best you can imagine is here to be lived out and unfolded, moment after moment, day after day, as you experience the magnificent blessing that is your life.

— Ralph Marston