Snow412 : Writing

Blight and Redemption

Blight and Redemption

A Poem by Snow412

An appeasement to all the negativity lately...felt good to write. Pay attention to the details, as usual.
Body of Time

Body of Time

A Poem by Snow412

Fell out of my hand when I was thinking of Time as a person with human features. Correlating body parts with thought forms.
Across The Divide, We Meet

Across The Divide, We Meet

A Poem by Snow412

Written in a time of complete and utter stillness...not sure what came over me, but I wasn't shaking anymore--all nervousness had left for a few hours..
Sustained Incantations

Sustained Incantations

A Poem by Snow412

Sleep deprived and listening to the subconscious...I just let my hands write and work out the issues in my heart. When an empire falls, it's quite sca..
What I Love

What I Love

A Poem by Snow412

2/15/07--The things we leave behind often haunt us. I saw this first hand in someone...and figured that pain is what I fell in love with. The idea sti..
The Fists of Time

The Fists of Time

A Poem by Snow412

I was told that I would regret my decisions to proceed in a relationship. My mother said I shot myself numerous times in the head for doing it. This p..
Karma Is a Lie

Karma Is a Lie

A Poem by Snow412

I wrote this when I was sleep deprived and highly caffeinated. I was also a bit upset about how people are treated and how much others get away with.

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