Sneha R

Sneha R


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About Me

I believe the only way to expel emotions is by writing of them. If you want to leave a review, make it honest. I would like real review of my work, not my characterI believe that writing made me a better person today. If there is something troubling me I make sure to write it down and leave the words on a piece of paper. I have been very ambitious through my life. I believe that if I want to attract something good in my life I make sure my actions don't contradict my words. The things that you get in life is just based on your actions. Do good, be good. I have been someone who has been brought up in a very different atmosphere, where there was a lot of pressure though i have been the one who has seen the good in everything.The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake. But my power stayed in my thoughts that's why am still awake and it is eternal. Im the masterpiece of my own life and so will my soulmate one day. I have always learnt to give my attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education and peace. I have so much to be grateful for. Simplicity is the best thing in a human. Because simplicity comes from the soul not the looks. There is so much for me to know. There is so much for me to understand about myself and life. And it is all good, infact it is beyond good, it's phenomenal! I will never forget the people who continually inspire me to greatness. Everyday of your life, every moment of your life, you have been making this choice. What you give, you receive it took me some time to understand this before. But with experience this thing is the best said. We create our lives with our way of thinking and feelings. Whatever you give out in life must return to you. Give good and receive good. Imagine yourself living a life where everything around you is good and your thoughts are always negative. The answer is here of who is in loss. Life doesn't happen to you, you receive what you give. Your actions start with your thoughts, when you say 'this person is beautiful' , you had the thoughts and spoke it out in words. You can't take any action without thinking when you are sober, so learn to filter your thoughts always. Many people think and talk about what they don't love more than they think and talk about what they love, and they are inadvertently depriving themselves of thinking and saying all the good things. Dont parrot negative things, you will be jailing yourself. You are locking yourself away from all the goods. Your thoughts amd words have no power at all in your life without the feelings. What you feel now is creating your life. Thats why we say what we feel is what matters. It's very important to let out all the things that bothers you. Understanding is the biggest asset of yours. Once you understand yourself there is nothing that can make you angry about anyone. Choose a beautiful place to let out your anger and regrets everytime. If there are no such beautiful place, probably you should be making a beautiful place. It's also very important to understand that there are things that are not meant to be in life. I understood this since I was a little girl. Nothing is snatched away from you,because you make it happen this way. Your frequency is exactly what you are feeling. Enthusiasm will attact enthusiastic people and situations. It often happens that you want to do something and unfortunately it never happens because you keep being negative that you dont have enough money , suppose you want to travel and you cant. Matter of fact you are pushing yourself though a negative frequency and this will keep raising some dissapointing situations, where you dont succeed in what you want to do. When you have a positive feeling about what you want to do, and when you receive it, it will be the best feeling. Because you know how patiently and positively you have been waiting for this. There was a time in my life when I was annoyed very quickly by situations, job, boss but then there is something that changed everything.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else, but in fact you are the sole one who is getting burned."

The day you believe you will have a good day, and it may happen that the day is full of negative things, but it then becomes a choice to whether to make the negative things make you have a bad day. There's nothing called bad days, its all about feelings. Yes there are bad moments, when a person makes a bad moment a bad day. If someone bullies you or call you by things you don't deserve to hear, it defines them not you. Because this world is full of judgemental persons. You dont need to be afraid to face them, you should not even face them. Cowards only face cowards. Why it feels like sometimes you don't get what you really deserve? That's because you are already negative about it. When you say something doesn't deserve you, this is the moment you are filled with negativity. Always make today better than yesterday. You need to be positive about everything in life that's only when you are a happy man. The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of this world is imagination, imagination of the creator, imagination of humans. If imaginatiom never existed the impossible would never have been engraved in our history. Be it in the house that you live in, even the house was constructed on the basis of imagination.The gadget that you are holding is made out of imagination.

"The secret of master mind is found wholly in the use of imagination."

Whatever you can imagine exists. Whatever desire you imagine , already exists.

"Creation is the only projection into form of that which already exists."

Whatever good you imagine is waiting for you in the invisible, you just have to feel what you love. Write down all the things that you would love to have. And it will come true.

My love life :
I can start any sentence of my day with mom, only if it was possible but I promise I do it through my heart. Because I believe in having an unconditional love. I have had so many conversations with my friends, and they don't even know the definition of love. Sometimes, you will notice, the love from your boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife has a bit lessen when you don't have a job or probably not a good education. And you think this is conditions for love, with time you have to realise, that you need growth in life, not only physically but also mentally, and a proper education and a good job, will make you grow mentally even emotionally, a woman should be able to be independent and take care of his husband. But that cannot happen if you stay in between four walls. It's not called love with conditions but love. Because if someone prefer you with better education and a proper job, they care for you. And they want you to be on their level so you both can conquer the world together. Im someone if I love someone you will always notice it by the time I give you. Love with conditions is only when someone loves you because of your looks. It's an important part to keep the beauty and glow of your face the same, but unfortunately with time it fades, all that stays is the nature of thy person, that you shall live with, every day. The moment I start feeling connected to a person, I start giving my time, appreciation and lots of respect. Respect plays an important role in a relationship. If a woman doesn't respect you now, she never will. Everything you want to be or do comes from love. If love never existed you couldn't be born. There wouldn't be a single human being on earth. Be it the love for money, you wake up every morning to go to work, because you would love to buy things for you with the money that you earn. Why do you feel automatically connected to someone that shares the same likes and dislikes as you, that's because when paths meet, the journey is beautiful. Always remember this. When the paths are not of the same you shall never feel close to the person. We are humans, we love plants, we love animals, but we eat them. That's because it's all our body needs. Who created this we don't know. We never raise questions on our needs. Never be judgemental, just lead a life where youfind it very important to find a soulmate. Because your soulmate will is the only one who can lead you to the world you both love to be into. Time is all in your mind. I have been a slave of time. Somewhere close your eyes and the person you wish to see beside you at that very moment is the one, you'd want forever. So I believe anything you attract even if its things or love, is what you think of yourself. Sometimes you can see a 6 year old relationship has ended up in an aweful way, and supposedly it was a person who knew all of you but how do you trust that another relationship will work out or will end in this way again, the best answer for this is, if you learn to accept that some things are not meant for you, it'll be then nothing can hurt you, no matter how you even try to.I will always believe that the best is yet to come, before judging yourself or someone else. Make yourself such a person who cannot be judged because you should always be too good to be true if you want to change your life. Simplicity of thoughts and a beautiful soul with a beautiful smile is what will always keep me attracted with a man.

Favourite quote: Everything happens for a reason.

Life in one word: Mystery but the most beautiful thing to discover.

My definition of happiness: Freedom, off negativity.

Greatest moment of my life: Every of moment of my life has been great.

If I meet God, I will tell Him: Your creation is just lovely and thank you for everything.

I love: Excellency, leadership, old souls, high thinking,meditation, reiki, deep vocal trance, discovering new people, falling in love with their minds and thoughts, surrounded by people with high thinking and good experience, the smell of nature, spending my time reading new things that make me discover more about myself and the world.

I hate: People who reminisce too much about a bad past.

Something which attracts me: Intelligence and an attractive smile (could be from anyone).

I cannot ever resist: Good times in London, indian full fat food, super good body lotions after a hot shower.

Style Icon: Victoria Bekham with David Bekham, love little black dress & oversize sunglasses.

I love to read: Books that enhances once's life.

Dream Destination: Somewhere above.

Biggest nail biting moment: Had to choose between law and psychology.

Greatest fear: I dont fear anything.I cannot stand: Low thinking and pressure.

For 24 hours, I would like to swap places with: Mr. Robin Sharma.

Future ahead: Owning an island haha kidding.. the barrister's career ahead.

Favourite way to kill time: Reading, is my favourite.

Sneha in a nutshell : True, simple,dynamic.

One beauty rule I always follow: Water and lots of fruits for a glowing skin.

Latest fashion buy: The list is too long but a G. Armani ring dress.

My childhood dreams: I was one of those children who always wanted to do a variety of things, but my true ambition was to be full of love and to be the cutest.

In my bag: Mints, perfume, money, sunglasses, phone.

Kitchen beauty secret: Lemon and honey for a natural scrub.

If I were invisible for a day: Would be secret angel by putting all the right things misplaced for poor people. Cause no one is born poor.

Never ever: Say that it's never going to happen. Because it will always happen.

Quirky habit: Biting my nails when something troubles me.

Any cliche could fill this pag just to let you know a side of myself. but any side of myself would be just one part of me, and therefore an incomplete description. These being said, you're welcome to read and comment in any way you deem fit, with the single request of judging the work, and not the creator :)